
Stress among young school carers

2024-10-08 11:12:14

Nowadays, many young people have the responsibility of looking after their families. Many of them have to look after their families and their studies at the same time, which causes stress:

 Economic pressure

Young carers who are studying often have to take on family responsibilities. Not only do they have to pay for medical and family costs, but also for tuition fees, which leads to financial pressure.

 Time management

Faced with the dual responsibilities and pressures of study and family, young carers at school can find it difficult to manage their time and cause stress if they work part-time between studying and caring.

 Mental stress

These young people need to find a balance between their studies and caring for their families. They may feel psychological pressure because they worry about whether they can reconcile their studies and their family care responsibilities.

Young school caregivers are growing up and understanding their role in society, school and family. The sudden role of caregiver not only hinders growth, but can also lead to more confusion about their own worth and how they compare to their peers. Adequate guidance and support are necessary so that they do not get lost in pressure and powerlessness and can develop a sense of self-empowerment in caring for their families. Allow them to grow with support and learn how to take care of their own physical and mental health. Schools, communities and governments also have an important role to play in alleviating the pressure on young caregivers in school.