Current Situation in Hong Kong
• Dependency ratio in Hong Kong will drop from 5 to 1.8 to 1 in less than 50 years
• 65% of the elderly population has got chronic diseases while one-third of them got no less than 2 conditions
• The CEs interviewed were with a median caregiving experience of 10 years,
• Majority of CEs are females (55%)
• Most CEs are between the age groups of 40-49 (27%) and 50-59 (24%).
• 59% of the CEs reached more than 20 hours of care per week
• The most popular caregiving dimensions were decision-making involvement (81.1%) and financial support (81%).
• 79% of the respondents worked full-time.
• Most of the CEs (42%) gave 3 to 5 hours of care per day with poor mental wellbeing.
• 7% of the CEs was indicative of probable clinical depression and another 10% was of possible mild depression
• CE who work parttime and did not disclose about their caregiver status had the poorest mental well being
• 30% of the CEs had felt distressed about the caregiving role
• Around 75% of CEs chose not to disclose their caregiver-employee status
o seldom shared private matter at work
o fears of being misunderstood
o fears of unfair treatment
• Lacks a set of clearly stated CFWP and care-giver friendly cooperate culture which could significantly improve CEs mental wellbeing.
• Bereavement leave (19% of the companies did not provide bereavement leave)
• Flexible working hours
• Caregiver’s leave